
    Deputy Commissioner

    “The karma that does not lead to bondage is knowledge,
    and that which leads to liberation.
    The highest form of karma is the skill of knowledge;
    other skills are merely arts.”
    – Shri Vishnu Purana
    In other words, the action that does not create bondage is knowledge, and the action that paves the way for liberation is true knowledge. Other actions are merely efforts, while other forms of knowledge are only skills.
    Indian sages and philosophers have regarded knowledge (vidya) as the means to human liberation. The desire for liberation from fear, hunger, deformities, vices, immoral behavior, weakness, poverty, disease, grief, etc., has existed since ancient times. The above statement from the Shri Vishnu Purana conveys the message that humans should strive for liberation from all their troubles through knowledge. Since the renunciation of knowledge and austerity leads to success, the attainment of knowledge is always achievable through hard work.
    Let us all, disciplined and with a spirit of dedication, strive to acquire knowledge while enjoying all available resources with restraint. By incorporating proper diet, recreation, and thoughts into our daily lives, let us nurture and bloom the infinite possibilities bestowed upon us by nature in the light of the sacred energy of knowledge.
    Every day, we recite this mantra from the Taittiriya Upanishad of the Krishna Yajurveda in our morning prayers in our schools:
    May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
    May we both work conjointly with great energy;
    May our study be vigorous and effective;
    May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
    Om, peace, peace, peace.
    Let us understand the profound message hidden in this mantra and imbibe it in our lives, performing our duties daily with self-awareness. I extend my heartfelt wishes to all the principals, teachers, students, officials, and staff of the Gurugram region, and I wish for a successful and happy future.