NCC/Scout & Guides
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Scout and Guides
18 Cubs, 18 Bulbuls, 32 Scouts and 18 Guides are registered with PM Shri Kenderiya Vidyalaya Naleti for the session 2024-25. Our Vidyalaya has 06 trained Scout Masters and 02 Flock leaders. A special attention is given for the advancement of Cubs/Bulbuls, Scouts and Guides. 02 days of the week (Tuesday and Friday), during assembly time Cubs/ Bulbuls/ Scouts and Guides participated in various activities. 10 Scouts and 10 Guides have qualified Pravesh Certificate test, 05 Scouts and 05 guides qualified Pratham Sopan certificate test, 07 Scouts and 04 guides qualified Dwitiya Sopan certificate test, 08 Scouts qualified Tritya Sopan certificate test and 07 Scouts and 01 Guide qualified Rajya Puraskar Certificate test. Cubs , Bulbuls, Scouts and Guides of our Vidyalaya are participating in various activities under the umbrella of BS&G KVS State and Gurugram Division.